If you want a page image, then use and drag the mouse over what you want to save into the paste buffer.
Open an editor (like MS Word, or Word-Pad, or Paint) and paste the image into it.
Then save.
If you want the text and the PDF is in text format, Highlight what you want and paste it into Word or Word-Pad and save.
Now close the text editor and press File > Save As. Your file should go into the document folder. 2. Use Microsoft Word to add an image. If your file is in PDF format, you can use MS Word to add an image to it, so you can have your file save in a format that is easier to use and keep as your file. Open a Word document. Click Start and type Image. Then click Image from the menu. Choose the location where your document is saved for editing (typically C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USERNAME\My Documents\Microsoft Word\Image). Now create a new page to work with. Click Start and use the Add New Page button to create new page. If you want to be able to edit your Word document as well as the image, make sure to save as a PDF. Select an icon that you want to use for.