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In the Insert Pages dialog box, choose Page Number from the menu in the left-hand sidebar, then pick your new page number. How to Put a Blank Page into a Page Number Gallery Sep 28, 2024 — To put all blank pages in your Word document into a page number gallery, open the ‹Add› drop-down box and select All Pages and Page Number. Click ‹Complete› and then choose where to place all the documents. ‹Remove› to remove all pages from the gallery.   How to Add a Custom Header and Footer to Word Jul 13, 2024 — To add a custom header and footer on either the current page or a page number at the end of the current document, double-click an open page, right click it then click Format > Edit…. Select Header and Footer in the Formatting > Footer and Footer Options window. The footer, or footer area, changes, and you can see where you're formatting is applied. When you are ready, close the Formatting > Footer and Footer Options window. Then save the document. In Word, on the Insert > Current Page dialog box, select a section: Pages, the Current Page, or New Documents. Choose a font size in the Styles and Styles > Font Size dialog box. The current document formatting is applied to this page. You'll need to click Format > Format. Or, choose another font style. On the ‹Next page› dialog, click Choose…. Tip: To make your formatting appear on the Current Page, select ‹On Current Page› in the ‹Last page› dialog box. How to Insert a Header and Footer in a Linked Page in Word Jan 22, 2024 — To insert the header or footer in a linked page or page number, right-click on the link and click to go to the ‹New› menu. Select Header and Footer from the menu that opens, and then write your text in any of the following formats: Header and Footer. How to Add a Page Number in Word Sep 12, 2024 — To add a page number in a document, right-click the document and click the ‹New›› menu option. Select page number from the menu where it lists.

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