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How to Insert a Blank Page in Word  2. Double-click the header or footer to enter the edit mode, then place the cursor where you want to edit the new blank page. · Click Edit. · Choose Blank Page and click Insert.  How to Delete a Blank Page in Word by Editing With an Arrow Apr 10, 2024 — To delete a blank page into your document, move your cursor near the word or line you want to enter a blank page for and select Edit > Delete Blank Page.  How to Add a blank page to PowerPoint (2010 and later) How to Add a Blank Page in PowerPoint (2010 to 2016) • Open PowerPoint • Click File > New > Blank Page.... • You can name your blank page as you wish (but be sure to type in the right name). • Click the + sign in the upper right corner to add an arrow to the arrowhead. • Click and drag the arrowhead and press the space bar. • When you have completed the insertion, the arrow will turn yellow. How to Add a Blank Page to PowerPoint (2010 or Later) You can add any empty PowerPoint file as your blank page. Click File > New > Blank Page.... Choose any blank PowerPoint file you like and click New.   How to Add Blank Page from a PDF document 1. Open the PDF file you want to use as a Page. Click and drag the document icon in the left pane to your desired location on your hard drive. 2. In the right panel, click the More>Page Type menu and select Blank Page. Click OK. Click here for more helpful tips, tricks and strategies that will help you get that perfect blank page. How to Add a Blank Page in Word to a Document containing a Word Template You can add a blank page without using templates. Insert the page you want to be blank into your document.  If you do not see your page, double-click it in the document to place it at the click point. If you double-click a blank page, a new page will open. If you double-click a blank page while the document is open, your new page will be opened as a blank copy from the document's contents at the time of the double click.

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