How to Merge several Databases in a single file November 14, 2025 — I am merging multiple files into a single data frame using my python code! This is by using the Pandas. How to Combine multiple files into a single Database October 7, 2025 — As of python 2.7.3 or newer, pandas.dataset() supports importing CSV files. There is an example of the import here:. After installing and running the above, the code should look like: >>> import pandas as pd >>> # Import all 5 million rows from a file and into pandas. Database with rows from the 5 million CSV files >>> import pd.read_csv('TSV_2016_01_01_CSV.csv') >>> # Open the Database and put it in pandas. >>> of = pd. DataFrame({'1st_name': pd.read_csv('TSV_2016_01_01_CSV.