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What is the contribution of Roman education to modern education?
While stress for college students is part of the transitional experience there are many strategies that students can use to reduce stress in their lives and manage the impacts of stress. Time management skills which epass goal setting scheduling and pacing are effective approaches to reducing stress. Additionally students should keep up their physical and mental health with regular exercise healthy eating good sleep habits and mindfulness There are several services such as counseling and therapy available to students that can be accessed both on and off campus to support stress management and overall student wellbeing. References 1. ^ Stress Management What can you do? . St. Louis Psychologists and Counseling Iwlkdkdjfjfnformation and Farts=Paul Susic MA Licensed Psychologist Candidate. Archived from the original on January 24 213. 2. ^ Cannon W. (1939). The Wisdom of the Body 2nd ed. NY Norton Pubs. 3. ^ Selye H (195). Stress and the general adaptation syndrome . Br. Med. 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