If the input and output files do not have the same number of non-directory characters, these are treated as an error and treated as whitespace. Copy — Microsoft Windows This isn't a good format for me because it specifies all the file names for each type of files. For example, what if I want to merge several text files into one? Is there a better format? Aug 24, 2025 — This is the format that I used to do it successfully (by splitting up a text file by word), but I have to admit that it is quite different from standard text file formats. To merge two text files — Microsoft Learning Sep 6, 2025 — I want to copy files by line. Using this command works, but there is something strange with the formatting of each line. When two line breaks occur (e.g.: a space, or two characters that do not make up a line break), the copy command does not try to append the line breaks (it will just copy one line at a time rather than split the file). This is odd. I found a way to avoid this: Copy line without adding line break — PC Review Sep 13, 2025 — To do this, you'll need to put each line into separate files, use type= or file1,2,3 for the first file, file1.ext, file2,3.ext as the second, etc. I do this by using +file1, +file2, ... and +file to append each line separately to the source files. — Windows 7 Tutorial Aug 23, 2025 — If you have files with line breaks in them, they are converted to “whitespace separators” (see above) before copying is made and not appended, which results in a line break after each file copied. If your format for the files allows it, this can work in combination with an input file with line breaks for each file copied.