Step 2: Copy the downloaded files list with copied file names into an accessible folder. Step 3: Run commands that you wish to run on the list of files. Step 4: Once you've finished running the commands, close all the files that you have copied. Step 5: Now rename files again as it's hard for your computer to recognize names. Step 6: When to rename is done, run the same command as above. This will extract video clips from your video file(s) on your hard drive. Step7: Create a new video file from one of the downloaded files. Step 8: Run a script file on the video file that will extract the video clips from it. Step 9: Once extracted videos are in the directory the script file lives in, copy this directory's files into the Windows directory. Example Dec 15, 2025 — Step 10: To merge all videos into one video file, follow this process: In the command prompt, type the command: C:\Windows\System32\ffmpeg.exe -i 01.mp4 -i 02.mp4 -codec libx264 -preset slow -preserveaspectratio b a p 1 -CRF 25. Step 11: Press Win + R button to run the command. Step 12: Enter the following command after transcoding all video files into one 1080p x265 4K file: C:\Windows\System32\FFmpeg/VLC t ff:\(my_video.mp4|.mp4.x264)-c:\output.MTV. Step 13: Enter the following command after converting all video file(s) into 1080p x265 4K video using CMD and VLC Media Player: C:\Windows\System32\FFmpeg/VML_open -i t o file01 -i t s file02 o file03 o file04 -i o file05 -c:\output.MTV Step 14: Press enter. Step 15: Copy the Video file(s) on your Desktop and paste it. Step 16: Run the video processing script file again. Step 17: In the end you will have a new video file with 1080p x265 4K. Step 18: Delete the downloaded files. Step 19: Your video files are now merged into one 1080p x265 4K file with one video clip per file.