This key is also found on certain MacBook Pros. The following is what the correct way to delete is. ⌥↓+Delete Forward On to delete and forward keys (backspace and delete) the following symbols are used. A = Backspace B = ⌥ Backspace C = (F1) ⇒ (F2) ⇒ (Z) Select the key in the above symbols; the keys below it won't work. To find the function key, use the method below. 1. Press the 'i' key on a PC keyboard and the 'F' key on a Mac keyboard or on the Apple () keyboard. 2. Click on the keyboard shortcut and select the option 'Function'. 3. Drag the upper right corner of your keyboard and click on the function key to choose the “Add” function. 4. Select the “Delete” function then type ⌥ 5.