How do I add a new page if I'm not working with a particular book/pipeline? This is an older question that seems to be still receiving some useful responses on the official Adobe forums. For example, the following question: Question 11: Does the option to “Add a page” in the page drop-down menu in the PDF toolbar appear when I choose to insert a new page from another document? Or do I have to choose a new page after pressing the “insert” button on the ribbon? The answer seems to be no, and I'm trying to find the best method to use. I have attached PDF versions of the steps of the process, but I'm very new to this, so I'm only scratching the surface. The trick is that you need to right-click on the PDF and select “File > New > Page from File.” Then you select the PDF page you want to add to the PDFs. You can also select an entire group of pages at once and the add page toolbar appears (which is not shown in other examples). There is a nice example of how to do this here : I have a bunch of PDFs in my PDFs folder and am I trying to use them in Illustrator, but they've all got the same page number after printing, in order to sort them properly. I know this is how Adobe sort them, but since there's no way to tell Illustrator that this is a separate document, it keeps on printing these old pages. What is the best method to sort these all? Is there a way to use the page number in Illustrator? Jul 31, 2025 — I'm trying to figure out how to import my PDFs in to my Illustrator/Photoshop files. The PDFs in my PDFs folder don't have an export option in my PSD.Io account, so I need to use Illustrator to export my PDFs. My PDFs folder is not in my PDFs folder and the client is not imported on the page. I only have 3 PDFs and I can't remember whether I have any pages in them or the one with the page number is the one I imported.