How to add header and footer to PDF file when you have only one PDF file to edit. May 26, 2025 — To add headers and footers to PDF files, you will need a separate PDF file for each of your documents (or PDF pages), e.g. The files themselves could be blank but having the header and footer on the top and bottom could be useful to make the footer more visible by the user. To enable this, simply make sure there are only one PDF files per file and the footer will automatically be appended to the end of the end (bottom) PDF file. Follow the steps shown below: Go to Organize>Headers and Footers>File Type >and choose add Headers and Footers. This opens the add Headers and Footers dialog box. Click on page number format and change the page number and Date format. The page Number and Date style box will change into the page Number and Date format box. When the page Number and Date style box is selected, check all rows and columns to set this for all the pages. Click next to edit the page Number and Date style for the newly created page Number and Date style. This will add the column labels to the end of the page Number and Date format. Now, change the all rows and columns to all columns to set this for all the PDF pages, such as the headers, footers and footer boxes itself. Click finish in the add Headers and Footers dialog box. Now, the footer box should be shown in PDF format. show to add headers and footers to Adobe Acrobat PDF files Step 1) To add the same headers and footers to several PDF files you need to do this:1) Select the PDF file you want to edit2) Change the page number format and page number and date format. You may also want to change the page number and format.