Dolly: 3. Step 4: Edit. Click the Open button at the top bar. Then click the Edit button, as above. A window will open for you to edit. 4. Step 5: Save file. Click the Save button on the bottom button. This will send the file to your email or device. Note: You can save it to the hard drive (not the cloud) if you want the file to live there and not on your computer. 5. Step 6: Remove copyright. Click the copyright item at the top of the page. How to Edit a PDF Without Adobe Acrobat — CSI (with video) Oct 22, 2025 – 3. Step 2: Make a copy of the PDF file in Word. Go to the File menu. Click the “Add to Document” button. Click on the new document you create. 4. Step 3: Make a copy on your computer. Click “Get Info.” Click on the “File” button. Make a copy with the “File” button. You can always click the “Get Info” again and change the filename. 6. Step 4: Print this PDF and save it as .jpg 6. Step 5: Edit Step 6: Make a copy. Save the file in .zip (or .7z) and then click in order and click the .zip at the top of the pop-up window. Now you have a .7z file that you can open any PDF viewer. When you are done, unzip that .zip file to your desktop using any software. A new .exe will now open. Open up the .exe, then click the File menu and choose Save as PDF and save the new file as that same file .pdf. The process is nearly same for other PDF viewers (Adobe's own PDF viewer and other, like Google Docs). 7. Step 6: Remove copyright. To remove the copyright notice, click on “No, Thanks” at the bottom of the window. Click “No, Thanks” to get the PDF removed from your computer. How to Edit a PDF Files and Documents Without Adobe Acrobat There can a number of ways to edit a PDF file without Adobe Acrobat. Method #1: Download PDF Editor Check the box next to your file name, then click the Edit PDF button on the Edit Tab. This will launch the online PDF editor app.